.. This document is written in reStructuredText, http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. title:: SLPAT 2015, 6th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies .. include:: menu.txt Travel and accommodation -------------------------------- For information about how to get to Dresden, please see the `corresponding Interspeech web page`__, and similar `for suggestions of hotels`__. __ http://interspeech2015.org/conference/travel-and-visa-information/ __ http://interspeech2015.org/conference/hotels/ Venue ------------------------------------------- The SLPAT 2015 venue will be at the Technical University of Dresden, specifically in room S91 (`TU-Dresden floor map`__) in the Chemistry building, which is located on Bergstraße 66 (`TU-Dresden building map`__): __ https://navigator.tu-dresden.de/etplan/che/00/raum/126600.0480 __ https://navigator.tu-dresden.de/karten/dresden/geb/che |GMaps|_ .. |GMaps| image:: img/venue-map.jpg :alt: Google Map over the venue .. _GMaps: https://goo.gl/43C5vk